It is so much easier when you know where to go and what to do. Here are a few links you might find useful.


Avenue des Ecoles is specialised in Education in London and the UK.

An information and advice platform on schools and education in the UK from nursery to higher Education.

Avenue des Ecoles and its BE-KONNECT service will answer your questions and support you in your school search.

London areas

A comprehensive guide borough by borough with its in-the-know tips.


Daily Life

The Weather

Discussing the weather is the magic key to start any conversation.

BBC weather


The £

How much do I get for my Euros?

converter euro / pounds



Optimise your journey

Transport for London


Going out

All information on everything you can eat, see, listen to and do

Time out



Talk to us and we will be more than happy to give you all the information only Londoners know about.

Discover London and enjoy!